Thursday, April 2, 2015

Hit the off button already...

Unless you are an avid blogger with thousands of fans, you are basically throwing your fishing line over dead water. ( no fish in the puddle)
So why ramble on about musings that literally reach no one?  Well, let me tell you why. Blogging is a thought process. The thought process being used is very similar to the creative process being utilized for model railroading. As I write this, various ideas come to the surface that make up the Shasta Line layout. 
The humble beginning of this layout came out of years of pain and frustration in real life the prior 20 plus years.
In fact, looking at the time date stamp on this earlier picture tells me that at this particular time, I was under extreme duress with 4 very young kids, pressure from a performance based sales position, and my own mental breakage from way to much travel and juggling of hats and masks. It is out of this pain this creativity slowly surfaces if it survives... 
Now, I am not a writer and it is difficult for people to follow my thought process in normal conversation. My unfocused Un-eloquence is a tough pill for many to swallow. Either you love it or hate it as there seems to be no inbetween area. 
So if you happen to make it this far into the dribble of random selective words strung together to form this post... You are amazing! You could have watched a top ten you tube video, read the Anthony Bourdain blog, or ...? Add infinitum amounts of other to your "to do" list that has to be better than reading this blog post. But somehow in some way you didn't. Perhaps there is hope for me then? Could I possibly be more interesting than the 80 million views of Justin Beiber? Probably not, but I do believe it is just because I haven't fancied a better mouthpiece out there that has the gift of making things viral. It really is who you know and timing.
Perhaps one day someone finds this or it goes with me to the grave. Either way it still serves the creative thinking process that makes up the five active blogs that I write in. The two main ones and a third that is a business that pays the bills...
And as fast as the post begins, it now ends in now what next...? Stay tuned I guess, it will come.

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