Monday, October 19, 2015

I don't blog, tweet or Facebook..

I heard it said before..I don't blog, I don't tweet, I don't Facebook, etc...
I would love to say good for you, especially if you are a master carpenter or some type of zen personality inventor that contributes a craft that only few can attain through elite skills. So good for you ! Rather great for you actually!
If you don't then, well, how boring can and must you be? That inability to participate in a cultural format that is now normal is like saying I don't phone, I hate those talky things..communication is here to stay and it is not changing and if you want to stay unaware of how society is changing in it then it is hard to feel sorry for you when you lament the social woes that befall you. I know of lost relationships because of a past generation refusing to accept and communicate the way the next generation needs to be heard. How tragic is that? And yes,I blame the older mature stubborn generation and not the new "gens" as they should be the parents of society. If the younger gen reaches out and the stubborn refuse, then their conviction is more important than the relationship in my point 
of view. 

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